Our wee office

It may be small at only 55m2 and taking us a while to get through as we battle with an unexpectedly high workload post Covid, but there are many things we love about our wee office.

We always wanted to create not just a space to take work away from the "home office" but a space that would be open, welcoming, interesting and showcase some of the things we love, like SIP's, timber and simply showing practically the benefits of building Better Homes.


Certified to Passive House Standards

The most exciting thing for us however has been going through the process of having it certified to Passive House Standards as a Low Energy Certified Building.

Being certified for us isn't about the plaque, although it will be nice, it is more the knowing that the design we have put into the Office is worth it, will work and will create an absolutely amazing space that requires little energy to heat or cool, is quiet to outside noise and has fantastic air quality.

In fact we should use about one fifth of the energy requirements of an average built to code house in NZ.


Going through the process of the design review, conducted by Jason Quinn at Sustainable Engineering, has been the most invalueable part of the experience. Knowing what we can do better, what to look out for next time and what factors help create a high performing building. Gaining knowledge that we can pass on to clients, designers and other builders to help create great buildings for people and Marlborough.

So yip, pretty excited about our wee Office. What should be first certified Building in Marlborough and only 1 of 2 certified Low Energy Offices in NZ.


Formance SIP now made in NZ.


We are rebranding